Enhance Your Beauty Routine with Collagen-Boosting FoodsCollagen-boosting foods can play a significant role in promoting skin health and overall well-being. Collagen is a protein that provides…Jul 22, 2024Jul 22, 2024
Top 6 Simple Yet Awesome Yoga Poses To Increase HeightHuman height depends on many factors such as genetic and non-genetic, including environmental factors, exercise, and nutrition. Adolescents…May 8, 2021May 8, 2021
How to Fight Mental and Physical Stress with YogaTo reduce stress, it is good to treat it in time. If you want to treat stress without taking drugs, then the easiest and most effective…Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020
What’s the difference between meditation and yoga nidra and SavasanaThere are lots of Yogic practices in Yoga that we often get confused between the few. Among those, there are meditation, savasana and yoga…Mar 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018
7 Yoga Poses For Runners or Marathon loversYoga is an ancient practice which has not only physical and emotional benefits but helps in spiritual growth. In this article, we will…Jan 29, 2018Jan 29, 2018
Yoga for weight lossIn today’s life over weighted body is a major problem for most of the peoples because of today’s sitting job culture which creates lots of…Dec 25, 2017Dec 25, 2017